jueves, 4 de enero de 2018

11th Week , Be Realistic with your Goals.

Awake Model  

①Listening Comprehention (Clic here)

②Reading Comprehention (Clic here)

③New Vocabulary

😫tempting = Tentado
🚕Immediately = (immerialy) Inmediatamente
🚶reach = (rich) alcanzar
🚭Recornizes = (ricognayces) reconocer
🚀increments = incrementos
😃prioritize = (praioritice)
🚈Speed up =acelerarse
🚄Catch up = recuperar/ ponerse al dia

④Favorite Phrases

😲Trying to reach all your goals at the same time is a sure way to reach none of them!

😸Wisdom is with the modest ones (Proverbs 11.2)




⑥Weekly / What I have learned? 

Maybe the last year,month, week or yesterday We had goals , challenges and plans .however we  didn't success , we wasn't able to do our goals ;one cause is due to we are not realistic.

It can be tempting to try to change everything in your life immediately , you tell yourself this week I am going to stop eat junk food, start to study English,  start to do exercises, start to pray more,stop to smoking, read more,  whatever. But trying to reach all your goals at the same time is a sure way to reach none of the.
A modest person is realistic, we need to recognize that we have limits of time, energy, resources a lot of things , Due to , we need a plan for change one to one with patience.

What you can do

"Make a realistic plan"
remember : a goal without a plan is just a wish.
"Work on your habits (goals and challenges) realistic increments"

 😇       😇            😇              😇              😇

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