viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2016

7th Week, New English Year, New desing.

This Year 2017. we have a new model to learn English , I call that the comphention feeling model .

Practicly we choose a topic and we learnd around of here.

  1. first we need to listen one speech of Ted (online), Bible gateway(online) , British Council, Awake (offline) .
  2. Second write what I undestand of the speech take notes.
  3. Third read the speech  and write new words and favorite steaments do questions.
  4. Fouth study grammar
  5. Write Weekly/ Daily/ What I have learned? 
  6. Do a speech or  voice about what you have learnd.

Ted Model

Speech: Try something new for 30 days

  • Listen Comphention (Clic here) new
  • Reading Read (Clic here) new
  •   before Vocabulary Now New Vocabulary.

    • before Common Expretions now favorite Expretions .

      I felt like stuck in a rut.
      My self-confidence grew(GRU).
      I guarantee you…
      I bikes to work.
      Ton of fun!
      Whether you like it or not.

  • before  Words now New Words.

       *Ad lib
  • The singer ad libbed during the concert.

    Stuck (stock)= atrapado
    It turns out= resulta que…
    Dwelling (Devlin)= vivienda
    Figured out= descubri
    From Scratch=desde cero
    Footsteps= peldaños
    •   Grammar 


    • (before fourth step) Reading now this is the second step.
    • Weekly/ Daily/ What I have learned? New
    I learn if I try something new for 30 days; my life will be in a constant changing and I figured out new things, new potentials and enjoy my life.


    lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2016

    6th Week, Pictures of Christmas

    • Vocabulary

      • phrasal Verbs

        Zoom in /Zoom out

         Meaning : acercar una camara, foto , video, etc.

        ejemplo: You can stop the video and zoom in on anything on the screen.

    • Words.

    • Grammar.

    • sufijo

      - Ment
      este sufijo se utiliza para convertir algunos verbos en sustantivos. Haciendo que en el idioma español se obtenga la extensión or, ción, mento
      -to enlarge/enlargement = agrandar/agrandamiento
      -to move/movement = mover/movimiento
    puedes ir a las palabras con el sufijo ment haciendo clic aqui

    • Reading

    • Weekly/Daily

      Maybe, nobody see this blog. But, I see in my work ;gold. Because I am learning , in my brian ten million of people read my blog, and wait each week together in front of your screen.

      And this is the Christmas ,is the wonder or the argument of false Catholic tradition, however, I am living with Jesus in my heart. 

    martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016

    5th Week, Keep fighting.

    • Vocaculary

      • phrasal verb:

        Keep on 

        First meaning:continuar haciendo algo o llendo a alguna parte.
      • similar to:continue , carry on.
      • I am keeping on for the live.
      • Second meaning:Keep on doing: hacer algo por mucho tiempo
      • I keep on doing my money .

        • Words

    • Grammar

      • future passive  

      The film is going to be set in america.
      It is going to be directed by Alex Wilson

      • Sufijos New section

         Los sufijos son aquellas partículas que se le agregan a una palabra(despues) para de esta forma indicar en qué caso gramatical se encuentra, o modificar de alguna manera su significado.
        este sufijo es agregado a sustantivos para formar sustantivos y adjetivos. significan ada, ado, ido, oso :

        -color/colorful = color/colorido
        -wonder/wonderful = maravilla/maravilloso
      • **puedes ir a las palabras con los sufijos ful haciendo clic aqui


      • Reading

    • Weekly/daily

      The flag is going to be keeped on the mountain, the Shower of my country is not clean.
      today the goverment want to be president again,maybe, the angry is going to be exploded for the population , Maybe the bedroom of the justice is going to be closed for  a nacionalistic vulture.

      I want a happy Honduras, My country is mine,  I don´t want a  War.


    lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2016

    4th Week , planting in prison.

    • Vocabulary

      • Fhrsal verb:

        Get out

        First Meaning: salir de un vehiculo.

        Second Meaning: Escapar (o ayudar) de un lugar.
        Similar to : escape
        Exclamation meaning: get out!

        • Words

        • Grammar

          The voice passive in past


        • Reading

    •  Weekly/daily  

      The flower was planted for a factory,and, the factory was made for the men .while, the men was criated for God.

    martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

    3rd Week , found peace.

    •  Vocabulary

      • Fhrasal verb : 

      Brake in
    • first meaning:Ladron que dentra a un lugar.
         Yesterday someone broke in my house.
        Second meaning: Interrumpir una conversacion.
                                        similar to: interrupt
                  She brake in the conversation.


      •          words.

      • Grammar

    The voice passive.
    Cuando una acción recae indirectamente en la persona. Ese El sujeto va al final.


    The Tiger is changed by him.
    The Leon is being changed by her.

    • Reading

    • Weekly/daily
    The army is found in the peace, when my heart is break in. the peace is felt for the  love, and, the voice interrupt for the army. 

    martes, 22 de noviembre de 2016

    My second week

    • Vocabulary

    I live in a interesting green village.

    Our first Pharsal verb

    Come back = volver

    similar to: return
    I come back for you
    I return for you
    •  Grammar

    adjetive order:
    1. Opinion
    2. Dimension
    3. Age
    4. Shape
    5. Color
    6. Origin
    7. Material
    This  is a complicating, big , modern, square, dark , german and steel  Machine.

    • Reading

    Daily / Weekly

    A new dream accomplished.
    I have a dream one day and one night, today come back in my dream. When the fascinating and old citizens of the city work with couples of victims. 
    One encourer , I don't now if have a dream or one coincidence but apear see my mother alive next to me, one bus one appear .maybe she was crazy . But after two minutes I think about she. And I was crying inside. I must not forget . This apparition  change my animus grown . And the obstacles forget and think .my mother was happily for and crying.

    miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2016

    My first week in blogger

    • Vocabulary

    • Grammar
    This week we will be studying differences between American and British English.

    • Reading
    We will memorize Psalms 37.3

    • Daily / Weekly
    This week was a tired week, because I will go to three tests the next week. I have started to study physics, differential ecuations and statistic. It´s a hard work but I love them. 

     I still work for my future, in the past the internet was the future and  computer machine; when someone used this things the person felt great. Now in our time the future  are OVNIS tecnology, and the dead of the green planet.

    Bienvenidos a mi nuevo Blog

    Hoy Miercoles 5  de octubre emprendo este viaje con ustedes se que no sera facil y no lo ha sido, pero lograremos la meta que nos proponemos, habran dificultades en el camino pero sin problemas la vida no es divertida los problemas son para solucionarlos.
     Recordemos que no vamos solos, Dios nos ayudara a cumplir nuestros sueños; solo tenemos que esforzarnos y ser muy valientes, ¡Dios hara lo demas!

    ¿Porque estudio ingles? Mi mayor sueño es predicar en un escenario acerca de Dios, lo segundo es porque quiero comprender la biblia ,  cantar , leer libros, entender tutoriales,leer manuales mecanicos, ver peliculas en idioma original.

    Espero alguien lea esto y le ayude.


    Programa Metodo Semanal, Comenzando el viaje (ACTUALIZADO 2017)

    año 2016
    • Gramatica
    1. English today de you tube 
    Cada inicio de semana publicare la gramatica de esa semana que tenemos que practicar a diario, donde estemos, usemos nuestro ingenio y nos divertiremos.

    • Vocabulario
    1.  Duolingo                                                                                        Escojeremos una leccion, dos o tres y la practicaremos en esa semana.
           *nota:Para que seas parte de mi clase en duolingo dentra aqui
    1. Pharsal verb of the week
    Escojeremos un verbo frasal para esa semana.
    • Pronunciacion
    1.  Utilizar 
       Una aplicacion muy util donde nativos pronuncian las palabras.
    •   Lectura
    1. Algun Libro
    2. La biblia   
    En lo personal tomo un versiculo por semana y me lo aprendo.

    • Escritura
    1.  Diario, poemas, canciones , etc.
    Escribiremos un diario  en la noche.
    •  Extras
    1. Peliculas
    2. Musica
    3. Vocabulario Extra

    This Year 2017. we have a new model to learn English , I call that the comphention feeling model .

    Practicly we choose a topic and we learnd around here.

    1. First we need to listen one speech of Ted (online), Bible gateway(online) , British Council, Awake (offline) .
    2. Second write what I undestand of the speech take notes.
    3. Third read the speech  and write new words and favorite steaments do questions.
    4. Fouth study grammar
    5.  Write Weekly/ Daily/ What I have learned? 
    6. Do a speech or  voice about what you have learnd.