martes, 22 de noviembre de 2016

My second week

  • Vocabulary

I live in a interesting green village.

Our first Pharsal verb

Come back = volver

similar to: return
I come back for you
I return for you
  •  Grammar

adjetive order:
  1. Opinion
  2. Dimension
  3. Age
  4. Shape
  5. Color
  6. Origin
  7. Material
This  is a complicating, big , modern, square, dark , german and steel  Machine.

  • Reading

Daily / Weekly

A new dream accomplished.
I have a dream one day and one night, today come back in my dream. When the fascinating and old citizens of the city work with couples of victims. 
One encourer , I don't now if have a dream or one coincidence but apear see my mother alive next to me, one bus one appear .maybe she was crazy . But after two minutes I think about she. And I was crying inside. I must not forget . This apparition  change my animus grown . And the obstacles forget and think .my mother was happily for and crying.

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