Awake model
New vocabulary
⍆Alarm clock Goes off= La alarma suena.
⍁Get out= sale
⍄Put on= ponerse
⌷Laid out= dejó
⌰Brief jog(brif.jog)= breve trote
⌲Pull out= sacar
⌞Frustrated (frusteired)
⍱Upset= enoja
⍦Whether=si sea que
⍳Immediately (immerialy),
⌺Admittedly (admired_ly) =cierto es que...
Favorite phrases
😛To get more sleep
🙈It's easy to get into and har🙈d to get out of
😀To keep in closer touch with loved ones.
😧Spending excessive time on the internet.
Dayly/ Weekly / What I have learned?
We have customs they may be bad or good , for harness our habits;
we need discipline beacuse , A habit is easy to get into and hard to get out of,
for example when the alarm clock goes off we needs take force and wake up immediately ,
another thing is for example to keep in closer touch with loved ones or not spending excessive
time on the internet, would we prefer to stay frustrated, upset or happy?
Then we have gone to dead’s Valleys or we have been to Dead’s Valley
but we are going to get out!
whether is our desition.
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