martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

3rd Week , found peace.

  •  Vocabulary

    • Fhrasal verb : 

    Brake in
  • first meaning:Ladron que dentra a un lugar.
       Yesterday someone broke in my house.
      Second meaning: Interrumpir una conversacion.
                                      similar to: interrupt
                She brake in the conversation.


    •          words.

    • Grammar

The voice passive.
Cuando una acción recae indirectamente en la persona. Ese El sujeto va al final.


The Tiger is changed by him.
The Leon is being changed by her.

  • Reading

  • Weekly/daily
The army is found in the peace, when my heart is break in. the peace is felt for the  love, and, the voice interrupt for the army. 

martes, 22 de noviembre de 2016

My second week

  • Vocabulary

I live in a interesting green village.

Our first Pharsal verb

Come back = volver

similar to: return
I come back for you
I return for you
  •  Grammar

adjetive order:
  1. Opinion
  2. Dimension
  3. Age
  4. Shape
  5. Color
  6. Origin
  7. Material
This  is a complicating, big , modern, square, dark , german and steel  Machine.

  • Reading

Daily / Weekly

A new dream accomplished.
I have a dream one day and one night, today come back in my dream. When the fascinating and old citizens of the city work with couples of victims. 
One encourer , I don't now if have a dream or one coincidence but apear see my mother alive next to me, one bus one appear .maybe she was crazy . But after two minutes I think about she. And I was crying inside. I must not forget . This apparition  change my animus grown . And the obstacles forget and think .my mother was happily for and crying.